Book Covers
& Packaging

If you still believe its cover doesn’t judge a book, welcome to the 21st century. Today, books with great graphics, eye-catching fonts, and quality covers sell more than those without and this is a simple fact.

Professional packaging designs for your product

Book cover design and packaging is booming as the traditional process of designing book covers can be extremely time-consuming and very often, the results are disappointing. With the entry into the digital age, all of this is changing as in only a couple of hours, you can get your book cover design done and ready for printing. At Sadja Web Solutions, we have mastered the art of book cover design and packaging.

We work with the author to create ideas which reflect the content of the message he want to pass across. We do so by working little by little until we design a book cover which not just tells a story but does so in the simplest manner. We take a lot of factors in when designing books, such as the genre, the intended audience, the imagery and character which the book portrays, the tone of the book and its scope.

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We begin work on eBook covers even before the content of the book has been typed as we take into consideration the font used for chapters, titles, and headings, and aim to match them with what will be used on the cover. Matching the look of the interior and exterior of a book ensures the book has a professional-looking and compact overall design. Also, we take into consideration the width of the spine so we can create a book cover accordingly.

At Sadja Web Solutions, our book cover design and packaging is done with the least amount of resources and in the shortest time possible as we realize that our clients are often pressed to deliver so we take this into priority. Give us a try today, and you will be glad you did.

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